Day 44/50 Exercise Challenge

Happy Sunday FitFam.

I hope you’re doing just fine. Have you thought of this? We are six days away from Day 50😍, the thought of this gives me more reasons to be excited, hopeful and thankful. What a journey it has been so far!! We wouldn’t have come this far without being resilient💪 Good job everyone, Let’s keep up the good work! 

Read this dialogue👇

Do you workout on Sundays? someone asked. I smiled and responded with a nod. Why? She asked again. Still smiling, I said “working out daily is a culture to be embraced deliberately rather than an occasion to be celebrated” she thought about my response for a while and then said that’s nice with a smile😀

Today’s Task

A difficulty level II workout can still deliver solid physical performance benefits, even to advanced fitness athletes if it is performed at Level III with EC and that’s because, like each workout it challenges the body differently forcing a new adaptation response which means it helps you get fitter regardless. Plus this is a workout which can be performed by anyone at virtually any level of fitness which means it is also a good challenge to have on your horizon. 

How to perform Side Leg Raises

How to perform Jumping Jacks

How to perform Butt Kicks

Have a wonderful workout session!

Philexaerobics cares👌

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